miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010

Carta de Hode al ST ^^

To Argentina ♥

To my dear Argentina:

In This Morning Received from Argentina Send gifts , I am really shocked by the content

I saw my name engraved Argentina 10 shirt , Fuckin Cool ~ Messi turned into me !
and the Misery street team argentina Flyer is really really cool , Some people think of these things to Misery Opened in Argentina to convey to the streets , Really impressive、Really Thanks Love To you All Guys

I have very carefully read through your letter to me , have received the message of love
Think of the other side of South America Earth , Have some guys given us the power
Really wonderful, I am really looking forward to one day perform with you guys.

Monster in Argentina!!!! \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/

Never Stop The ROCK !!! \m/ \m/



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